A cup of beans, man

Michael : “Have you never had a cup of beans, man?”

Alan: “A cup of beans??”

Michael : “You’re in for a treat, man”

Michael : “I’ve done you one with a sausage in, a Michael special”

A cup of beans, man

Alan: “Its like a savoury 99”

Michael : “Aye, and you can use the sausage for to scoop the beans oot”

Lime and Ginger beer continued

Final preparations before fermentation begins.

After resting overnight, the pot was heated up to close to boiling. Squeeze the last drops of juice from the bag, then remove.

Stir in a kg of sugar and stir till dissolved.

Stir in the sugar

Make up to approximately 20 litres and then wait till the temp drops to 25 centigrade.

Add yeast to the top.

Replace lid and wait.

Lime and Ginger beer

Sunday,  making lime and ginger beer.  This is my own recipe / experiment, roughly based on beer making and marmalade making combined.

Take 1kg of limes and a medium size piece of ginger. 

ingredients : limes, ginger, sugar and yeast.

Squeeze the limes.  Grate the ginger.  Bag the remains.  Bung it all in a large pan with some hot water.  Leave for 24 hrs.  Smells deliche.

Wow that smells good 😋